Monday, August 23, 2010

Causey Tips and Tricks

One of the things that I love about being married (but certainly not limited to being married) is determining what works for our family.  We strive to use as many organic and natural home remedies as possible, but I will be the first to tell you that we are not rigid about this. So please, no need to point out that I seem inconsistent because I desire to eat organic chicken, but have no problem gulping down a large soda. :)

I want to share some of the things that we do or use regularly in our home.  I hope that you will also share tips and tricks that you and your family practice. I have too many to share all at one time, so I will start with just a few.

White Vinegar 
We use white vinegar to clean just about anything! Counter tops, sinks, toilets and tile floors.  It is a great natural cleaner, free of chemicals and odor absorbing.  It does have a pungent smell but it does not last too long and as mentioned before, it actually removes bad odors. 

Olive Oil  
I use this as a hair conditioner weekly.  Add 1/4 cup of olive oil to wet hair and put in plastic cap for 30 minutes.  Then rinse with tepid water and shampoo (may need to shampoo a couple of times). You can also use any leftover oil to moisturize your body, to shave your legs or to soften chapped lips.

In an attempt to save money and reduce the number of chemicals in our home, I use cinnamon (sticks or ground) to fragrance our home.  Just simmer water and cinnamon to make your house smell like fresh baked goodies.  You can also add nutmeg and cloves to alter scent. Though I like this smell, I would love to find other natural options.  If you have any affordable suggestions, please let me know!

Weleda Skin Food 
I adore this body creme!  The scent is a little more citrusy than I would prefer, but it works so well, I don't care.  It's also little pricey for what I use as a body lotion, but it does such a great job at keeping your body hydrated without harsh chemicals that I think it's worth the price.  

Home-Made Deodorant 
Yes, I make my own deodorant and I think it works better than any store-bought product out there. It's simple to make, last a long time and it's super cost effective. Here is how to make it:
1/4 c Corn Starch 
1/4 c Baking Soda
5-6 Tbsp Organic Coconut Oil (you will need to sit jar in a pan of hat water to liquefy. Mash all ingredients together until it's mixed together and then let harden in fridge in either a wax mold or travel dish.

You can also add a few drops of your favorite essential oil if you prefer some scent. 

Okay, that's enough for tonight.  I am sleepy! Soon I will share about plopping, homemade carpet stain remover (puppy pee anyone?), and ways to avoid bottled water.


  1. Look at you! I'm impressed! You know, I have thought about trying to cut back on the chemical cleaners we use so just may have to try the whole vinegar thing! I bought some of the new green products from J&J last time I needed to restock! Love ya!


  2. Wow...a most profound analogy...thank you for this.
    What a light you are yourself in the world, Courtney!
