Tuesday, February 23, 2010


Wow, it's been almost a week since I have written...blog challenge fail.  I blame a final exam, crammed weekend back home, sleepless hours and HEADACHES that are leaving my crumpled in bed as soon as I get home.  I am quite sure my husband is missing his wife.

I have lots that I want to blog about, but just staring at the screen makes me feel like I need to get off one of these... and quickly.

If you think about it, please say a little prayer for me.

Much love, friends.


  1. A tired grown up parent of 12 back in the 20's, let's just say a farmer, must have invented this giant swinger. Tired of swinging each of his kids one by one and thought hmmm, i could make a giant robot to do this for me. in fact i'll make it big enough so i can ride on it with my kids.

    You, my dizzy darling, need to get away from the screens of life, which can't ever be good for an aching head, and get back into your wordless wednesday headquarters bed and spin no more.

  2. Love what your hubby wrote, very clever & sweet. Praying for you dear one! If you get this before 5:30 this wordless Wednesday please say a lil prayer for my final. : ) Muah!
