Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Abundant Life Abounds

Merry Christmas!

Well, Larry and I have been incredibly blessed to be apart of Cornerstone Ministries for the latter part of this year. We are excited to see what the new year has in store for the ranch. Many of you are the recipients of the Cornerstone Quarterly newsletter, but I wanted to make sure that I was not missing anyone wishing to receive information on the residents here at Cornerstone. It's a great way to see a small piece of our time spent here!

If you would like to receive the Cornerstone Quarterly for 2010, please email me at and leave me your name and address. I would love to add you to the mailing list.

Lastly, December is the month that Cornerstone kindly requests donations for next year's operations. Should you have an interest in donating, please either send me an email or visit the website to make a donation at Your financial gifts truly change the lives of some incredibly special people.

Abundant life abounds.

Thank you for loving us and this wonderful ministry. We have forever been changed.

With a grateful heart,

The Causeys

{Enjoying the Neiman Marcus Adolphus Children's Parade}